Now that I've been back in Finland for about a month everyday life starts to feel somewhat normal. Okay, so yeah, I was on a language trip with EF in Brighton for 3 weeks this summer with my friend. We had an idea to go on language trip one winter and even though neither of our families were that fond of the idea at first, somehow we managed to find ourselves in Brighton. I could talk about those 3 weeks for hours, but I won't do that. I don't want to bore you and I think the saying 1 picture says more than a 100 words is correct, so I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.
Ihan ensimmäisenä päivänä saavuimme aamulla Gatwickin lentokentälle, josta bussilla Brighton Race Course -keskukseen. Alun pakollisten läpikäytävien asioiden jälkeen meidän koko väsynyt Suomi-porukka suuntasi rannan lähelle, jossa leikimme kaikille tuttuja tutustumisleikkejä ja chillasimme. Ja olihan sitä toki pakko käydä kuvailemassa aina-niin-ikonisten rantamökkien luona.
On the very first day we arrived in Gatwick Airport from where we took a bus to the Brighton Race Course. After the briefing the whole party of us Finnish students headed to the beach, where we played some get-to-know games. And of course we just had to take pictures with the oh-so-iconic beach huts.
After spending the first night in the host family's house we had an Orientation Walk which helped us to get to know Brighton and its centre better. We walked around the town and saw some of the most famous sights and other places. Above Royal Pavilion.
The Lanes were crowded with not only people but little boutique and cafes. Brighton is well known for its alternative way of living which is very visible in these streets.
Orientation Walkin jälkeen oli aikaa hengähtää rannalla auringon porottaessa. Vaihdos Suomen säästä auringonpaisteeseen oli suuri ja moni poltti itsensä jo ensimmäisenä päivänä. Opinpahan käyttämään aurinkorasvaa, jos ei muuta.
After the Orientation Walk we had few hours to spend at the beach where the sun was high up and shining. Not being used to that much sunshine many of us already got themselves sunburned. At least I learned to use sun cream, if nothing else.
Taking these outfit pics became somewhat a habit for me and why not, since there were great photoshoot places around every corner.
Mulla on kone täynnä näitä eri päivinä rannalta otettuja kuvia. Niillä täyttyisi useampikin postaus, mutta saatte nauttia vain harvoista valituista. Näitä tuli räpsittyä välillä ihan huomaamattakin siinä meren ääressä istuskellessa, aaltojen lyödessä rantaan.
I have my computer full of these pictures taken at the beach from different days. They could totally fill a whole post of their own, but I let you enjoy of these few selected ones instead. Sitting there at the beach, listening to the waves crashing to the pebbles, I just didn't notice how many of these I actually took.
EF hosted these weekly discos which I had honestly assumed to be a little lame aka a disco lights and a gym hall. It turned out I was completely wrong. The discos were awesome and you couldn't wait for the next one, neither could you miss one. The first few discos were at a club called The Haunt. It was rather small place, but in spite of that everyone had enough room for dancing and having fun. And there's no forgetting the DJ who created the ultimate party atmosphere. Still those songs take me right back to Brighton.
Laneseilla tuli käytyä muutamaan otteeseen ihan vain yleisen huvin ja urheilun vuoksi. Yllä oleva kuva palvelkoon muita kaltaisiani fandom-ihmisiä. Kyseessä olevat Doctor Who - ja Harry Potter -aiheiset kaulakorut olivat murto-osa erään pikkupuodin valikoimasta, joka sisälsi kaiken mahdollisen TARDIS-yövaloista sarkastisiin synttärikortteihin. Läheltä Brightonin juna-asemaa olisi löytynyt myös virallinen BBC-kauppa, joka ikkunasta päätellen sisälsi myös mukavan summan Doctor Who - ja Sherlock -fanituotteita, mutta suureksi harmiksi unohdin kokonaan käydä paikan päällä. Seuraavalla kerralla suuntaan sinne ensimmäisenä.
We visited The Lanes few times just for fun and #whynot. The picture above is from this one shop that sold all kinds of fandom things. Dalek necklaces are just a tiny little peace of what they had to offer from TARDIS nightlights to sarcastic but brilliant birthday cards. Near the Brighton Station there was also an official BBC shop which I regret not visiting. Next time, though, I definitely will.
Kuten jo aiemmin mainitsin, sopivia kuvailupaikkoja löytyi joka puolelta. Tämä street art -seinä löytyi yhtenä päivänä, kun harhailimme ympäri Laneseja koulun jälkeen etsien kivaa kahvilaa.
Kolmen viikon kielikurssi ei toki rajoittunut vain itse kurssikohteeseen Brightoniin, vaan kävimme myös läheisissä pikku-kaupungeissa sekä Lontoossa ja Oxfordissa. Näistä pienemmistä vierailuista tulen tekemään oman postauksen piakkoin ja loput kuvat ja kertomukset Brightonista tulevat myös saamaan oman postauksensa.
As I said earlier, there were perfect photoshoot places everywhere in Brighton. This particular street art wall near The North Lanes where we wandered around in search for a nice cafeteria.
Now I has to be said that the 3 weeks course did include visiting other towns, London and Oxford among others. I will be making a whole post dedicated to those and also will be continuing with another post about Brighton. So long until next time!
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